Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Its been awhile again I guess~

Sorry people, I know it is been a while that I update my blog. Anxious? Curious? or don't care? Lol~
Well I think mostly don't care, because my blog was never 'popular'. Only those frequent readers, appreciate their effort to read, although the amount of readers are countable. Hahahaha..

Anyway, its been two weeks plus since I reach US, and the weather is so UNPREDICTABLE. Really! It might shine brightly one day, then another day raining so heavy with cold water, then another with heavy snow with strong wind. Damn. No matter how I wear or what I wear, the cold feeling, is just like you naked standing inside the freezer. Damn~ lol

Well, I'm starting to suit myself in the work already, which is a good thing. Some people in the work place are actually not that bad. But some are quite 'arrogant' because they don't really care anything about you or help you or even talk to you. In this case, I think it is quite bad for working environment. hehehe... Oh well, don't care about them. Hmp~

Burns on my hand are yet to heal yet. grr~ Really wish it can heal really soon~

I bought quite a lot of stuff. Broke already. Damn damn. LoL~

Well, I will post up photos in my next post because the time now is 12.45am here. Am really tired because of work and the weather. Update more next time alright?

I hope everyone doing fine back in Malaysia, Australia, or anywhere. Miss my home and family. Miss my besty, my friends and all others. hehehe....

Alright, good night people. Hugs.~



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